Srishti Asthana
Counselling Psychologist
5.2 years of Experience
Srishti Asthana, known as Wordsofapsychologist, is a Psychologist & Mental Health Advocate. She has 5 years of extensive, diverse & rich work experience at organisations like AIIMS,New Delhi.
She is currently -
Consultant at -Perspective Psychiatric Centre
-Executive Member in Mental Health Foundation India,she lead India's Biggest Mental Health Festival in 2022 and 2023
- Advisory Board Memeber at Schizophrenia Research Foundation,Chennai for First Episode Psychosis Program
- Founder of Mental Health Advocacy Platform called Wordsofa_psychologist
Srishti has been regularly delivering sessions on various subjects on holistic wellness, Resilience Skills and mental health issues. She has delivered more than 300 workshops for different corporates & social institutions, including NTPC stations, Tata Power and several others. She has impacted over 7000 lives with her endeavors so far.