Christie Saju
Clinical Psychologist
2.6 years of Experience
People are often motivated by their own needs and interests as well as those of their social group, but I wonder what additional motivations there might be and how we might change them to allow everyone to live in peace and harmony.
Following this thought, I pursued my undergraduate and graduate degrees in the field of psychology in order to answer this question and to enable people to be best versions of themselves. I also conducted a number of research studies, two of which I was able to present at international conferences, and one for which I was given the best paper award.
From 2017, my constant drive towards acquiring practical skills led to me in specializing in counselling, assessment, relaxation therapies, content writing, collecting case histories and conducting group-counselling sessions. I have also contributed to society by training underprivileged children residing in SPYM de-addiction Centre to tackle various issues like anger management, coping mechanisms, relapse prevention and stress management.
Currently my life goal is to help as many people as I can and move forward with lot of learnings, creating awareness and creating a boost in my professional life.