Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

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  • 2 Sessions

    1050 / session


  • 4 Sessions

    999 / session


  • 6 Sessions

    950 / session



This therapist is not available for any subscription sessions as of now.

Available Slots

(*All timings are in IST)
  • The duration for the first session is 60mins and the subsequent sessions will be for 45mins each.
  • You can use the Meeting Link for Audio or Video Session; Video session provides best results and be assured that everything is secured.

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Mr.Christie Saju


umm idk where to start but am grateful of you, the way you helped me in accepting my situtation you helped me how to acknowledge my own emotions na ki unse dur bhagna hai taking a therapy session was a big step for me and am happy that i took this step and i got you as my therapist you were kind of a my friend and I just wanna say thank you


I have tried therapy with other professionals in the past but the kind of connect and comfort that I felt with Christie opening up about my heart and mind was very natural and I felt heard, understood and safe doing that. The approach he has and how he customise and alter it as one moves ahead in the process according to one’s need is something I really love. I am looking forward to the transformational journey that I have ahead of me and I know that, the world’s best therapist is on my side to help me with see and understand things that’s already there but needs some rediscovering. Thankyou.


I quite enjoyed the sessions with you. I started off my journey with a lot of self-doubt and as much as I want to solve that, I had doubts if I can solve this. As the sessions progressed, I realized more about myself than before and you were not pushing your thoughts on me, you were not even saying that so and so are your problems rather you made me discover more about myself through your sessions and your acknowledgment helped me a lot in my journey. Thank you so much for listening to me, and making me discover myself more.


I quite enjoyed the sessions with you. I started off my journey with a lot of self-doubt and as much as I want to solve that, I had doubts if I can solve this. As the sessions progressed, I realized more about myself than before and you were not pushing your thoughts on me, you were not even saying that so and so are your problems rather you made me discover more about myself through your sessions and your acknowledgement helped me a lot in my journey. Thank you so much for listening to me, and making me discover myself more.


I have been working with my therapist for the past few months. He has professionally helped me deal with specific problems that I had in the past. He was extremely helpful in helping me find solutions to various problems I have faced. Through the excellent help from my therapist, it is now possible for me to have a different and healthier approach to various situations. I would like to thank him very much for the excellent help and support that he has given me.