Raushni Khanna
Counselling psychologist
2.11 years of Experience
Raushni Khanna is a Mental Health Professional-Counsellor who specializes in working with people between the age group of 18 to 35 for issues related to relationships, self-esteem, work & career guidance, body image, adjustment & transition, marital & family issues, divorce, sexual intimacy, infidelity, boundaries, perfectionism & procrastination, grief due to loss of loved one & separation (breakups), financial insecurity caused due to past financial trauma, communication gap between adult children & parents, long distance relationships, loss of physical attraction in long-term relationships, etc. She is also a Couples Counsellor. She also conducts various mental health awareness sessions for Corporate Employees and College Students. She is passionate about creating content that encourages people to be vulnerable, self-reflective and self-accepting of themselves. She strives to challenge stereotypes against mental health, gender roles, sex, sexuality, etc. She believes that "We can grow through what we go through."