
Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety & Stress

We often feel stressed or anxious after a significant change or when an important project is given. We may have been stressed about something or the other in our daily lives as well. Yet, what precisely are stress and anxiety?

Stress can be simply defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Anxiety, on the other hand, is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. It can be a stress reaction, or it can occur in people who cannot identify significant stressors in their life.

Self Improvement / Personal Growth

Self Improvement / Personal Growth

Personal growth becomes the focal theme of a person's life as they grow. Growth has different meanings for different people. It could be succeeding in their work-life while for others it could be improving relations with their close ones. This inimitable definition of growth is what makes every person unique. The rat race of the 21st century that everyone seems to be caught up in has clouded our decisions. We keep social media influencers and successful people on a pedestal and compare ourselves to them. This not only shatters our self-concept greatly but also makes us believe that our perception of the world through rose-coloured glasses is the real one

Social media does provide us with a platform to connect with others, but we need to draw a line and learn how to separate socialization from social media. As much as self-improvement is personal work, it also depends on our interactions with the people around us. We use social interaction as a 'mirror' and base ourselves on observing how others perceive it. This concept, known as the 'looking-glass self', was given by Charles Cooley.

Couple's Therapy

Couple's Therapy

All romantic relationships require hard work and have their share of ups and downs. couple's therapy attempts to aid and improve romantic relationships and helps to resolve interpersonal relationships. This type of psychotherapy helps two people involved in a romantic relationship gain insight into their relationship, resolve conflict, and improve relationship satisfaction utilizing various therapeutic interventions.

The therapist helps the couple gain insight into the dynamics that lead to the problem and helps them understand their roles in the dysfunctional interactions. This benefits both the partners to change the way they perceive the relationship and understand each other better.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep Disorders

Sleep is a complex, active process that is just starting to be understood. Sleep deprivation can profoundly affect cognitive functioning, mental health status, work performance, quality of life, and physiological and immune functioning.

Sleep disorder is a condition that frequently impacts your ability to get enough quality sleep, leaving you feeling exhausted or sleepy during the day. Sleep disorders may also affect people during the day. Daytime distress can make it harder to complete daily tasks. Sleep issues can impact the ability to do well at school or work.

Anger Management

Anger Management

Whether as a fleeting annoyance or full-fledged rage, we have all experienced some form of anger before. Anger is a typical and healthy response to a threat, and if used constructively, it has its place and purpose in our lives. Only When anger becomes uncontrollable or is unexpressed, it leads to destructive thoughts or actions.

These overwhelming thoughts or actions can cause various problems, at work, in your relationships, and the overall quality of your life. This can you feel as though you're at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion. This is where anger management comes into play. The goal of anger management is to reduce both your feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes.



Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or behaviours (compulsions) that he/she feels the urge to repeat over and over.
OCD is not only about habits such as biting your nails or thinking negative thoughts. An obsessive thought could be that specific numbers or colours are "good" or "bad." A compulsive habit could be to wash your hands seven times after touching something that could be dirty, and not doing so can result in something tragic happening to you or someone you care about. Although you may not want to think or do these things, you feel powerless to stop.



Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing mental and physical harm. Addiction does not refer to only dependence on substances such as heroin or cocaine; some addictions also involve an inability to stop partaking in activities, such as gambling, eating, or working.

In those circumstances, a person has a behavioural addiction. A person who cannot stop taking a particular drug or chemical has a substance dependence. Examples of drug and behavioural addictions include alcoholism, marijuana addiction, amphetamine addiction, cocaine addiction, nicotine addiction, opioid addiction, food addiction, chocolate addiction, video game addiction, gambling addiction, and sexual addiction.



The term adjustment, in psychology, is characterized as an interaction wherein one alters their behavioural patterns to establish compatibility with oneself, others, or the environment.
Adjustment is a behavioural interaction by which an individual keeps up the balance among different necessities that one experiences at a given point in time. Every circumstance of life requires that the individual concerned ought to adequately follow some core values and guiding principles to find harmony among various forces.