
09 Jul, 2024
The Dark Side of Competitive Exams: Examining the Mental Health Toll

Recent news has once again brought competitive exams into the limelight, and in this article we examine the mental health toll that they can take.

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03 Jul, 2024
Is Queer Affirmative Therapy necessary?

This Pride Month, we talk about the kind of therapy that leads to comfort, acceptance and love.

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21 Jun, 2024
Mindfulness and Yoga

This International Yoga Day, we talk about the benefits of adopting yoga into your lifestyle.

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17 Jun, 2024
The Scorching Heat: A Boon or Bane?

As temperatures soar and this summer feels hotter than ever, we break down how the heat affects us psychologically.

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07 Jun, 2024
Men's Mental Health: Breaking the silence

In this article, we tackle the stigma of men's mental health. Rarely addressed and often brushed aside, it's sometimes not taken as seriously as it should. So next time, make sure to lend a listening ear and a helping hand to anyone who is feeling down, regardless of their gender and how they "should feel".

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03 Jun, 2024
Body Positivity in the Digital Era: Embracing Diverse Beauty

In this article, we address the impact of culturally propagated beauty standards and their effects on one's psychological wellness, as well as ways to overcome the same.

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24 May, 2024
Is fitness overhyped? Examining exercise's role in wellness.

In this article, we break down whether there are any actual benefits to exercise, or whether it's an overhyped myth.

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17 May, 2024
Exploring the Psychological Impact of Movies on Society

The Cannes film festival has brought the spotlight onto cinema, and in this article we examine the impact that films have on our minds.

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10 May, 2024
Beyond Materialism: The Psychological Motivations Behind Retail Therapy

Retail Therapy. It's something we've all done. One innocent purchase doesn't hurt, does it? But why does it make us feel good? In this article, we break it down.

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05 May, 2024
Dress for Success: Elevating Your Mood Through Fashion Choices

With the MET Gala coming soon, we're examining the age-old question- does fashion influence how we feel?

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20 Apr, 2024
Spiritual Wellness: is it Hocus or does it Help?

There are countless books, podcasts and stories about spiritual wellness, and yet the debate persists: is it really helpful? In this article, we break down what it really means, and how it impacts us. Read on to find out more.

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05 Apr, 2024
Conversations with a Graduate student- gap years, academic success and uncertainty.

"What next?" is a very common question that many of us may hear around the time we graduate, but many of us face a lot of uncertainty about it too. We interviewed a graduate, who is a normal student just like any of us, with similar struggles, opportunities and experiences to see how it turned out for her. Read on to find out how it worked out.

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04 Mar, 2024
Exam Season Survival: Top Tips for nurturing Your Mental Wellbeing

If you're also preparing for your exams in these coming months and are stressed, frustrated and don't know where to start, look no further. Read on for some actionable tips on how to survive this exam season, and have good mental health too!

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20 Feb, 2024
Workplace Teams— Can’t work with them, Can’t work without them!

Teams make or break the workplace. So, what kind of team are you a part of? What kind of team suits each workplace situation? Read on to take a look.

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13 Feb, 2024
The Power of Understanding Your Love Language

This Valentine's Day, take a step towards truly understanding how you love- and want to be loved. It extends past romantic partners, love languages exist in all relationships. So delve deep into the language of love, and you'll come out better on the other side.

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02 Feb, 2024
A guide to handling panic attacks at work.

Panic attacks and anxiety attacks at work can seriously disturb our own peace of mind, especially if we don't know what to do about them. Read on to see how you can manage one.

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23 Jan, 2024
Conflict in the Office: How to Navigate and Resolve Discord

o recognise 'Better Business Communication Day', here's a breakdown on conflict and discord in the workplace. It is an inevitable component of work, as natural as work itself and yet it can have huge, unintended consequences. Let's try to understand it better so that we can tackle and overcome it!

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18 Jan, 2024
This is how the 4 horsemen can affect your relationships.

The Four Horsemen is a concept we're all aware of: each horseman sabotages life in its own way. In the same way, the four Horsemen of mental health can have an effect on our relationships.

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28 Dec, 2023
Steps to smash your 2024 goals!

As we bring in the new year, let's take the extra step and make sure we have a great new work year. Here are some steps on setting and maintaining your work goals for the coming year

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18 Dec, 2023
Creating a Positive Work Environment: Christmas Edition!

With Christmas round the corner, this is a chance to create a better, more positive work atmosphere and bring out employees' festive spirit and help them accomplish new successes at work.

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13 Dec, 2023
How to care for yourself while withstanding times of grief.

The weight of grief can be so unbearable that we become unable to look after ourselves, to recognise that we need to survive each day and to be cognizant of our mental health. Read on find out more about how to take care of oneself when we're grieving.

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12 Dec, 2023
How to support someone who is grieving

Knowing that we want to support someone but not knowing how to do so can make us feel helpless. We're scared of saying the "wrong thing", hurting their feelings or simply just don't know how to help. Here's a list of simple steps we can take to help them out

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11 Dec, 2023
Understanding Grief: how to help our hearts feel lighter

Most of us will experience grief at least once in our lifetime and it can change who we are and how we think. We bring you this article in an effort to help you understand, and in time, manage your grief.

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10 Dec, 2023
Navigating Therapy: How to Choose your Ideal Therapist

Choosing a therapist can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Check out this guide for practical tips and in-depth information on how to find the right therapist for you. Don't let fear hold you back from seeking the help you need.

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09 Dec, 2023
The Power of a Growth Mindset: How to Unlock Your Potential

One way to help us deal with whatever life throws at us is by developing a growth mindset, as opposed to a fixed mindset. In this article, we discuss how to do that, and the benefits of a growth mindset

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09 Dec, 2023
How do I cope? An introduction to coping styles.

We all do it, but most of us may do it unconsciously. Here's the common methods that are used by humans to cope with life's stressors

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08 Dec, 2023
The Psychological Dynamics: How Social Media Shapes Perceptions of Concepts

In this blog, we talk about how psychology comes into play in social media platforms. This article will bring to your awareness certain cognitive processes that may consciously or unconsciously be affecting how you form views about the world.

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08 Dec, 2023
The stigma of mental health and how to combat it.

Talking to a professional in the mental health industry carries numerous benefits; in most cases, it will definitely prove to be helpful. However, there's also a curtain of stigma that surrounds the process. Here's how to combat it

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07 Dec, 2023
The Fun Theory- notes from the Volkswagen experiments

Too often, we tune into work and stress and tune out of fun. This is a little reminder to have fun at whatever you do, because it's got so many benefits!

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07 Dec, 2023
Breaking the stigma: supporting your loved ones through mental health struggles

Supporting loved ones who are dealing with mental health struggles can often be a confusing road to navigate, we often do not know how to express our concern and be sensitive to them. We address these concerns and bring to you practical solutions for them

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07 Dec, 2023
Here's everything you need to know about how to keep up with your goals.

Although it's easy to set goals and know what we want to achieve, it's not as easy to stick to it and follow through with it. In this blog, we share tips on how to stick to our targets.

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03 Dec, 2023
Addressing Workplace Stress: Identifying and Managing Stressors in the Work Environment

Stress often works subtly, we may not even be aware of its effects until something drastic happens. In this article, we discuss the importance of identifying and addressing workplace stressors in order to enhance both mental health and performance.

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02 Dec, 2023
Workplace wellness programs- the pros of prioritizing health at work

A great majority of the world spends much of their day at work, and thus work plays a huge role on their mental health. Workplace wellness programs are a necessary and effective step in maintaining and improving mental health in the workplace

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30 Nov, 2023
The world isn't a horrible place to live in and here's why: Negative bias and its grip on human minds.

Bad news seems to constantly surround us all, leading us to believe that that's all there is, but that's not true. It's just what sells, leading to worse mental health. Read on to find out more

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27 Nov, 2023
The art of being alone, but not lonely.

We all experience loneliness from time to time, but it is important to understand that it is natural, and entirely conquerable. Read on to see the effects that it may have on us, as well as ways to overcome it.

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24 Nov, 2023
Is work exhausting you? Here's how to deal with burnout.

Recognize the signs that work is putting too much stress on you (burnout) and employ these tips to feel better about your work and yourself.

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23 Nov, 2023
Having a bad day at work? Here's 5 tips on how to deal with it!

Bad days at work are as inevitable as the good days, but they don't have to ruin your entire day. Here are some tips on how to effectively tackle a bad day at work.

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07 Jun, 2023
Anxiety - A musing by an individual

This is a musing written by a person experiencing anxiety. Read more to know about what it is to be anxious - mentally, emotionally, and physically.

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01 Jun, 2023
AI in Therapy

Click to read more about the impact of AI in Therapy.

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30 May, 2023
Aviation Psychology

A short blog on the upcoming field in Psychology: Aviation Psychology.
Read to learn more!

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26 May, 2023
Forensic Psychology

This talks about how Psychology is helpful in forensics

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12 Feb, 2022
Self Diagnosis

Self Diagnosis: What to do, what not to do, & the risks of Google!

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20 Jul, 2021
The LGBTQAI+ community & mental health

"The pain associated with the social stigma of being LGBTQ, of living in a culture that, for the most part, is homophobic and heterosexist, is traumatic."

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09 Jul, 2021
Mental Health during the COVID Pandemic

To say pandemics can be stressful would be an understatement . You might have experienced increased stress during lockdown. Stress, anxiety, insomania, fear about the uncertainty associated with future, being overwhelmed, mood swings etc

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01 Jul, 2021
What is Passion? How do you find your passion?

Passion is a feeling of intense enthusiasm Or compelling desire for someone Or something. A strong, deep and barely controllable emotion.

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30 Jun, 2021
Why Mental Health is Important?

We are so affected if we see a pimple on our face, an extra pound or the chubby cheeks growing. We are so concerned about our physical health.

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29 Jun, 2021
Stress vs Anxiety - They are NOT the same

Most people experience stress and anxiety at some point in their lives. Depending on the level of severity, they can detrimentally impact one's quality of life.

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06 Jun, 2021
Are Mood swings real? How do you handle them?

Do you also think that few things could have been easier and a little less complicated if mood swings didn't exist and even if it does then we should have told how to deal with it?

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11 May, 2021
Work from home vs Work from office?

The topic is still heated. The debate is still on!
Work from home or work from office?

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17 Apr, 2021
What did 2021 teach us?

In case you didn't realise, know before 2021 ends.
2021 taught us almost every household chores.
2021 made us fall in love with ludo all over again.

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22 Mar, 2021
How do you know social anxiety is a thing?

Did you know social anxiety is a thing? What is social anxiety.
A chronic mental health condition in which social interactions cause irrational anxiety.

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